We author content
CT has a successful track record of partnering with schools, business, and publishing
organizations to develop rich, interactive, and effective student learning content. In addition, CT provides assistance to clients in meeting regulatory requirements, optimally addressing market and employer needs, and efficiently and effectively implementing new products and services to benefit the organization and their end-users.
CT delivers products from a practitioner’s point of view. We’ve walked in our customer’s shoes. We speak their language. We listen actively. As needs and requirements change, we adjust. We are “can do.” We complete projects on time. We deliver results that satisfy our clients, increase their capabilities, and make their lives easier. Our documented internal processes incorporate the latest in educational theory and technology and ensure that we manage each project efficiently and effectively.
Our products include the following:
- Proprietary academic and training content including textbooks, eLearning, and multimedia.
- Student Kits to support practical application of learning objectives
- Concept, Program, and Courseware Development across a broad spectrum of subjects that include business, allied health, criminal justice, technology, and others
- Research White Papers re: industry/vertical research and analysis by program topic area
- C2Learn Evolved Learning System (ELS) digital content hosting and management system for delivery of course or programmatic content
For more information, view our digital and print products: